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The Real Meaning of Christmas…

As the season of giving is just a few days away we thought to share with you lovely people some of the most expensive Christmassy things ever.

The Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi, has an enormous 13 metre, diamond-encrusted Christmas Tree which cost £7m. Mind you they probably aren’t too bothered about the electricity bill for all those lights.

The World’s most expensive Christmas cracker came in at £4m, that’s right £4m! You won’t find that in the local Co-Op.

It contained the keys to an Aston Martin, a solid gold watch and a receipt to show you are the new owner of a £3.7m yacht among other ridiculously expensive things. It was part of a competition run by a luxury goods firm.

It can be all too easy to forget what Christmas, or any religious holiday, is really about and it’s certainly not blingy or immaterial things.

No amount of money can buy enjoying a good time catching up with family and friends on Christmas Day and over the festive period.

We’ll be open between Christmas and New Year’s week so feel free to pop in for a mince pie, brew and a chat.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas.

Thanks for reading and if you have any property related questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Best regards

Paul Forbes