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Monthly Archives: August 2018

What ‘No Sale – No Fee’ Really Means

Traditional estate agents like ourselves seem to have stopped using the phrase “no sale, no fee”, and this has allowed online-only agents to gain a piece of the market. So here is a little reminder of what “no sale, no fee” means as far as we are concerned. At Forbes Estate Agents, we are only […]


Does Your Home Pass the 20 Second Test?

We live in a World where most of us are bombarded with never-ending streams of information to process. And that information overload is leading to people making snap judgments quicker than ever. We see it at Forbes Estate Agents when people view a property. In most cases I’d say a person has made up their […]


Estate agents’ fees for selling a property can vary wildly

When cheap isn’t very cheerful. Estate agents’ fees for selling a property can vary wildly. In many parts of the country, 2.5 % is a standard fee. However, I’ve seen agents advertising fees as low as 0.50 % or even a fixed fee rate of £550. There is no way any professional agent doing their […]