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Strangers in YOUR House – Potential Buyers in your Home

Putting your home up for sale means for a period of time you’ll have to live differently.

In this article we explain why.

Congratulations you’ve made the big decision to sell. You’ve chosen your preferred agent and instructed Forbes Estate Agents (we trust). We will then re-visit your property, instructing our photographer to take amazing photographs, create a detailed floor plan, sales brochure and let you know when your property will go live on the market.

This is the point where things become a little different from the everyday norm.

Once your home is on the market, people you’ve never met will start viewing and walking around your house.

Potential buyers AKA ‘Strangers in your house.’

But have no fear as a professional estate agent, we’ll be accompanying the potential buyers and these ‘strangers’ could be the people who end up buying your home for a price you’re delighted with.

However, it’s quite an odd feeling having people you’ve never met turn up at your door and walk through your home. Here’s what we suggest.

A warm welcome goes a long way. The more comfortable a person feels in your property, the more time they will take to look around and see if it is one they are really interested in.

Here are our Top Tips:

1 The first impression is the BIG impression. People don’t always remember what you say, but always remember how you made them feel. Make sure the front of your property is tidy, as the initial curb appeal is always an important message to potential buyers or drive by viewers. Even take a look nearby your home and ensure there’s no windswept litter sending out the wrong message.

2 It’s always worth having a tidy up when you know people are coming to view. We recommend having new towels in the bathrooms and dirty dishes in the kitchen don’t help a property’s appeal.

3 If you have pets, make sure they are somewhere safe. You want the viewer to focus on the appeal of your home, not your dog bowl or cat litter or Fido growling at them.

4 If you are selling in the winter make sure your home is kept warm. If you are selling in the summer the opposite applies; so keep your windows and patio doors open and make sure your property is nice and cool.

5 Tidy up and maintain the gardens.

Remember, we’re here to help you, so call us with any questions, suggestions or concerns you might have on how Forbes Estates can assist you in selling or renting your property for the best possible price in your preferred timescale.

Thanks for reading and if you’re thinking of selling or renting and if you would like a SOLD or LET sign outside your property quicker, we’d love to hear from you so get in touch with Forbes Estate Agents today. Call 01257 273324 or drop us an email at info@forbesestates.com

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