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Perfect Property Presentation!


By Paul Forbes

Looking to sell your home? And sell it fast? Then making sure it’s presented in its finest form will give you the best chance at achieving a top price in the shortest timeframe. Here at Forbes Estates we’re always on hand to help. So follow these 7 top tips to help get the offers rolling in:

  1. Curb appeal

They say that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so the outside of your home is all important. Even before someone steps foot through your front door they’re going to be judging it, so make sure it’s as appealing as possible. Keep your garden or driveway weed-free, clean and tidy. Trim back any shrubs, hedges or trees. And fix any peeling paint on doors and window frames.

  1. Clear the clutter

Whether it’s kids toys, your husbands golf clubs or just piles of shoes by the front door, you’ll need to banish the clutter before photos are taken. Buyers are fully aware that someone already lives in your home but they may not have the foresight to see the true value of the space in your home. Tuck things away that don’t need to be out in full view, and keep your decor minimal so that buyers can picture their stuff in its place when they come to take a look around your home.

  1. Can we fix it? Yes you can and should!

Your home may look great to you but in reality handles are hanging off the kitchen cupboards and there are scuffs on the wall from when you first moved your sofa in. Buyers will notice these so make sure you set aside time to fix those minor issues. Little tweaks and fixes can make a huge difference to how your home looks to viewers. Small problems that seem inexpensive to you to fix could in fact knock hundreds off your properties value. While you may not have the funds to make lots of changes to your home to sell it, you may consider what improvements you can make that will give you the best return on the money you’re spending out.

  1. Staging

To help buyers imagine themselves living in your home you’ll need to rid it of anything that might not be to everyone’s taste. We’re not saying to throw out all of your current furniture but you can improve how things look with some staging. You might absolutely adore your leopard print sofa but it would be a good idea to pop a throw over it, so as not to put off buyers who aren’t fans of animal print. Love the Barbie pink wall in your bathroom? Perhaps paint it a more neutral tone to appeal to a greater market.  It’s handy to take a look at other properties online and see the bits that might put you off buying it and then take a good look at your own home with renewed eyes – you’ll be surprised at what you pick up.

  1. Let there be light

Light and bright rooms are more inviting then dull and dingy ones, so if your windows let in lots of natural light make the most of it. Keep curtains and blinds wide open and bathe those rooms in sun. If your rooms are on the dark side use lamps placed around to brighten them up. And most importantly make sure all your bulbs work so everything is shown in the best possible light.

  1. Highlight great features

Do you have a lovely window seat? Make sure it’s really inviting with decorative cushions. Maybe a lovely reading spot in the bedroom? Place a comfy chair with a pretty lamp and stack of books nearby to showcase it. Make the most of the best places in your house and really focus on these when it comes to photographing.

  1. Picture perfect You’ve followed all the steps and your home is looking great. Now it’s time to call in the professionals to make your property really shine. When people are searching for somewhere to buy these days they are often looking on mobile devices so your photos need to stand out.  We can help with that so do drop us a line on 01257 273 324 or email info@forbesestates.com to find out what we can do for you.

While it may seem like a lot of effort or cost in some instances, a well maintained and improved property is more likely to sell within a matter of days or weeks, rather than months.  Show your home the care and attention it deserves and it will maximise your sale price. And who doesn’t want to sell their house for the best possible price? Get in touch with us today, we can help and work with you get your property on the market.

How would you prepare your home for sale? Share your top tips with us on our Facebook page.

I hope you found these tips helpful, as it’s so important that you ask you agent how they would recommend to present your house. Please not do hesitate to contact me if you require further help and advice on presenting your home ready for market.

Kind regards
