It’s the 1st calendar day of Autumn today which some would say is the most
important selling season of the year…and we agree. Why…because September and
October are much busier months of the year for homebuyers than November and
So, Winter Is Really Coming and it is important to secure a buyer before
If you are still For Sale at the end of Autumn the chances are you will
still be For Sale at the end of the year and into the New Year! The average
time to find a buyer in the UK is 55 days. This demonstrates how important it
is to find a buyer in the next 30-60 days of Autumn.
Also, you don’t have to sacrifice Price for Time – The best-performing
agents on price are usually the best performing on time too. At Forbes Estates
it is our aim to achieve you the very best price in a time scale that suits
If you want any advice or help on how to secure a buyer in the next 30 days
please contact Forbes on 01257 273324 or email info@forbesestates.com
Happy House Hunting ?